
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Khon Kaen University

Research Areas

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Traditional medicine
This area emphasizes the research on safety, efficacy and quality of herbal products and traditional medicines applying in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies. Quality research is explored in various aspects. Pharmacognostic specifications, including morphological, anatomical and histological characteristics of crude drug derived from plants, are investigated for herbal drug standardization. Molecular techniques are developed as useful tools for DNA fingerprinting. The pharmacological activity of herbal medicines is determined by the specific phytochemical compounds contained in each crude drug. Therefore, we conduct research and development of value-added herbal products from medicinal plants of Thailand.

Animal model
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry consists of 12 academic staff. Educational services are provided by this department member who are experts in several research areas including pharmaceutical analysis, instrumental analysis, quality control of pharmaceutical and herbal products, medical chemistry, design and synthesis of lead compounds for drug development, pharmacology, neuropharmacology, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, etc. There are several areas of expertise in both in vitro and in vivo studies including basic biological screening test, cell culture and behavioral and animal studies.

Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics
The academic staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology includes 14 experts in solid, semisolid and liquid pharmaceutical dosage forms as well as pharmaceutical excipients. The research areas of interest include the development of natural pharmaceutical and cosmetics products, nanoparticles, microparticles and deformable liposomes, advanced drug delivery systems such as transdermal, mucoadhesive delivery systems, delivery systems for dissolution enhancement and permeation enhancement. Other areas of research include skeletal muscle tissue and pharmaceutical engineering, biomaterials and regenerative medicine. The main goals are to develop the new pharmaceutical formulations, to enhance the properties of excipients and to improve the quality, efficacy and safety of medicines.

Clinical practice

The department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University consists of 15 academic staff. The clinical research in this department aims to explore the hypothesis and answer the questions in pharmacy practice. One of the goals is to promote health and quality of life by optimizing the effective use of medications for patients and population in various disease states. Specific expertise areas of the academic staff include clinical trials, pharmacology, clinical pharmacokinetics (therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)), biopharmaceutics, pharmacogenomics, medication therapy management (MTM), pharmacotherapy (internal medicine, oncology and hematology, palliative care, etc.), community pharmacy, pharmacoepidemiology, drug information service, cost-effectiveness analysis of drug therapy and pharmacy education.

Social and Administrative Pharmacy

The Department of Social and Administrative Pharmacy advances pharmacist's roles in the health care system for the benefit of patients and society through education, research and service. Faculty within our department incorporates perspectives from the management sciences, economics, epidemiology, and the social sciences, as well as pharmacy-related healthcare issues. The theoretical and applied research conducted by our faculty and students is often interdisciplinary and collaborative in nature, including governmental partnerships.