
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Khon Kaen University


Miss Phaivanh Thammiphon

Miss Phaivanh Thammiphon

Technical government employee at Food and Drug section Department of Health of Vientiane - Lao PDR

• Master of Science Program in Health Consumer Protection and Health Management

Year of graduation
December 2019

I chose to study at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Khon Kaen University because I was determined to develop my knowledge and ability in order to perform various tasks in my work. This new experience opens my mind to the world. I am convinced that the key success of a professional career is to believe that “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”.

During my studies at the University, I received all the support I needed, including precious recommendations from my teachers and staff as well. Aside from being an academic university, it is also a place that teaches life. The University will be forever in my mind.
